The Role of Symmetry in Finding the Equivalent Resistance of Regular Networks

The topic concerning the role of symmetry in calculating the equivalent resistance of regular networks has been addressed to the students of Lyceum “Imbriani” in Avellino ad of Lyceum “De Caprariis” in Atripalda, in two successive years. These activities were part of the PLS project
carried out at University of Salerno. The calculation and meansurement methods adopted show that subject can be easily introduced as a lecture and as a laboratory session in High School; after having introduced the traditional concept of equivalent resistance of series and parallel
connections of resistors. The topic concerning the role of symmetry in calculating the equivalent resistance of regularnetworks has been addressed to the students of Lyceum “Imbriani” in Avellino ad of Lyceum“De Caprariis” in Atripalda, in two successive years. These activities were part of the PLS projectcarried out at University of Salerno. The calculation and meansurement methods adopted showthat subject can be easily introduced as a lecture and as a laboratory session in High School;after having introduced the traditional concept of equivalent resistance of series and parallelconnections of resistors.